Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Demonglass" Winners

Well Readers,

It’s time to announce the winners of the “Demonglass” contest!  Congratulations …

Valerie B. and Cheyanna W.

Valerie and Cheyanna have each won an ARC copy of “Demonglass” by Rachel Hawkins, courtesy of Rachel’s publisher and the marvelous Stephanie Squicciarini, who picked up the books at a conference. 

Also, several readers submitted questions that they wanted Rachel to answer when I interviewed her for the blog.  I have selected three reader submitted questions.  Valerie wants to know if Rachel’s experience as a teacher helped her identify the genre that she wanted to write.  Jordan is wondering why Rachel chooses to write YA.  And Stacey asks, who are Rachel’s favorite YA authors to read, and why?

Readers, you’ll find out the answers to all those questions (and more!) as soon as I do.  Keep checking back for Rachel’s interview … and for more book reviews, sneak peeks, and giveaways!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! Thanks!!! I am so excited and I can't wait to read her answers!!!
