Friday, May 11, 2012

Jamie Reads!

Hi Readers!

Remember last year when TBF committee member Dr. Laura Jones had her students write guest blog posts for me here at Carly Reads. Well, they’re back! Help me welcome a whole new batch of guest bloggers. First up is Jamie!

Hello readers! And thank you to Carly for this guest blog spot! :)

My name is Jamie; I’m a certified teacher through the sixth grade, after receiving my bachelor’s degree from SUNY Brockport in Arts for Children and elementary/special education. I currently am a graduate student studying literacy education at Nazareth College; I anticipate completing the program this summer and would be interested in becoming an elementary classroom teacher, or literacy/reading teacher.

Reading YA lit has been a fun adventure, so far. Because of my elementary education background, YA lit is not something I have focused on in quite some time. Since I am a certified teacher through the sixth grade, I am glad I have recently been able to dig into YA lit. Some of my favorite YA books I would recommend include “Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli, and “A Northern Light” by Jennifer Donnelly. I’m also really looking forward the 2012 Teen Book Festival—this will be my first year attending! I’m most looking forward to meeting Laurie Halse Anderson. I recently read her book, “Fever 1793”; I’m eager to check out her other books!

I have also recently read “How My Private, Personal Journal Became a Bestseller,” a novel by Julia DeVillers, another 2012 TBF author. This was a book that I wish I had read in or right before high school. I was shocked when I went to the library, and they had to get this book sent to me from a different library! After reading it entirely, I know it really should be everywhere. So, here's to spreading the word on this book... :)

Jamie Bartlett became a famous author (pretty much overnight!), all because she accidentally handed in her own journal as her English assignment. After being fed up with rude popular and picture perfect girls, her journal demonstrates a story made for all teen girls—which is based off of Jamie’s true reality as a freshman in high school. The boys, cliques, popularity, family members, they all play a huge role in the lives of everyday teen girls. I don't think people tend to understand the kinds of pressure teen girls are under in our society, at times.

Her main character Isabella transforms into Is —a super girl with superpowers, and it changes everything. A simple motion of a 'flick' can create a balance between her friends and her vs. the Evil Clique of Populors.

Everyone (mainly teen girls – but everyone) goes crazy about this book; even everyone in Jamie’s school. It is top rated, number one! You'd think that Jamie had it all. She was flying to Hollywood and New York City; meeting celebrities, making appearances, doing interviews, and signing books. But, everyone expected Jamie to BE Is. How will she handle this situation?

This book is made for all girls (and boys!), but it really does send a great message. Believe in yourself, stop putting yourself down, try and be positive, be you FOR you. I hope you find this book as enjoyable as I did!

Thanks, Jamie. Hey readers? If you loved Jamie’s review, be sure to check out her blog by clicking here!

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